Me and Reflexology

By Anna Graham

Hi, as some of you know, I'm Anna and I am the Reflexologist at Shore Soothe. I will be opening for appointments for Shore Soothe in New Year and wanted to tell you more about myself and the Treatment I practice. 

A b o u t  M e

I live in Bournemouth with my partner and dog, who I love walking to help me find wildflowers for you all. My interests since a child have always been anything that is practical, creative, sporty and physical. 

I clambered through life being naturally physical and kinaesthetic; having gifted physical strength, abilities and hypervigilance, which magnified in a career as an army medic, to a street games sports leader, personal trainer, pre military college instructor to a part time cleaner, which has given me some needed mental peace and has created room within me to study and practise the therapeutic art of Reflexology.

Although my history may seem like a "healthy" past; it wasn't, it has been a 'learning the hard way' journey of what 'not to do' with your body just as much as what is good to do. 

I used to live my life through fitness gimmick obsessions, myths and mad methods, working my body to the extreme, and it didn’t thank me for it. But I have come a long way in all these years and now feel I am in a place to help others on similar journeys. 

A b o u t M y T r e a t m e n t

So, what is Reflexology? Well, it is one of the most ancient effective ways to Soothe issues inside the body through use of therapeutic massage techniques to the face, hands and especially the feet. It is something I fully believe in and wish to share with you all.

As an army medic I have come across experienced soldiers being crippled with pain by blisters and foot ailments, only to discover that the blister that formed on the foot would reflect issues elsewhere in the body. 

I can safely say that everyday now I am learning the same thing over and over. And this lesson is 'keep it Simple, Natural and Enjoyable'. And the practice of reflexology is exactly that.

If any of what I have said has resonated with you, or you would like to know more about this treatment, come along to Shore Soothe for a Beautiful Reflexology Experience.

By Anna Graham


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