For Soothers

We love our Soothers so we’re always trying to think of ways we can give you a wonderful experience. This page is just for you.

Read below to read about your Soother perks.

Massage Of The Month

Notice anyone in your life who is deserving of a pamper and chill out; a busy mum, a local volunteer, a friend or family member? Our clients only can nominate ANY local for our one Free Massage we give out to a community member every month. We will pick from the nominees and others will be in for a chance at another month. It’s our way of saying Thank You to our lovely Soothers and local Community.

Please remember only those on our Client List can Nominate.

Nomination Form

Fill in your Nomination for who you would like to have Massage Of the Month and we’ll email you both if they are chosen, if you don’t hear from us, never fear, we’ll keep you in mind for future months.

Massage is all about the experience and we want every part to be a joyful and relaxing one that makes your day.